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SupportForum Frankfurt (Oder) e.V.

The FörderForum Frankfurt (Oder) is a young association, which was founded in 2006 by experts from the social sector.

The association supports families with adequate and individual support for children and young people as well as people in special situations. The founding of the association was based on the idea of supporting the family holistically despite cost pressure and budget cuts in the social sector. The implementation of the association's goal is realized through:

  • Development of programmes for the promotion families
  • Offers for mobile consulting in households
  • Offers for individual specialized and case consultation in child, youth and handicapped facilities and social advice centers
  • Organization of training events on relevant topics of child, youth and handicapped assistance.

The job-qualifying fields of psychology and pedagogy are particularly important as well as training and further educational programmes for parents and relatives.

  • Establishing self-help groups and similar initiatives under the umbrella of the association
  • Assumption of child, youth and handicapped facilities, social and educational support and advice centers under the auspices of the association

We need you!

If you would like to support us financially, this is possible as follows: Become a member of our support association and pay an annual fee, the amount of which you determine yourself. The minimum contribution is 35,- Euro per year. Or you can donate a one-time amount by bank transfer or direct debit. These amounts are of course fully tax deductible.

Are you interested?

Then simply download our declaration of accession,
print it out, sign it and send it by mail.

Here you have the possibility to download the statutes and the application for membership in our association.

Please send your completed application for admission to:

Förderforum Frankfurt (Oder)
Puschkinstraße 19
15236 Frankfurt (Oder)